In futuristic Los Angeles, 17-year-old Annika revisits childhood memories of her mother via her SYD implant device -
an AI technology which connects to her brain and allows recording, playback and communication. Annika’s AI
companion within her SYD device interrupts her memory sequence with a message from her boyfriend, Nick, who
offers Annika an enticing plan for Valentine’s day. Nick’s offer piques Annika’s interest. SYD and Annika discuss true
love as Annika debates whether or not to sneak out against her mother’s wishes to see Nick.
Annika defies her mother and goes to see what Nick has planned for Valentine’s day. Annika arrives at a dilapidated
warehouse where Nick surprises her with a pseudo-romantic setting. He offers her a mind-altering digital experience
called "neuro," which affects her SYD device and transports Nick and Annika to a digital void where Nick sexually
assaults Annika.
Devastated, Annika returns home, and a clueless SYD excitedly asks Annika about her night with Nick. Unable to
process Annika’s emotions, SYD suggests calling her mother for comfort.
As Annika’s mom arrives to comfort her daughter, we are left questioning the authenticity of Annika’s reality.