Tell Me Where To Go

Showing In

Hammer Theatre Center, San Jose Sat, Mar 9 4:30 PM
In this joyously twisted comedy, Liz - a burned-out videogame designer terrified of vulnerability - discovers a mysterious society of adults who heal their darkest secrets through childlike play.
Hammer Theatre Center, San Jose Tue, Mar 12 2:30 PM
In this joyously twisted comedy, Liz - a burned-out videogame designer terrified of vulnerability - discovers a mysterious society of adults who heal their darkest secrets through childlike play.
Film Info
Type of Film/Event:Short
Runtime (minutes):5
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Peter Beatty & Joseph Boyle
Executive Producer:Peter Beatty
Screenwriter:Peter Beatty
Cinematography:Peter Beatty & Joseph Boyle
Music By:Peter Beatty
Editor:Peter Beatty & Joseph Boyle


The story of an astronomer who pursues a beguiling light he discovers in the sky. He undertakes an incredible voyage onboard a boat, and in his pursuit is led to places never seen before - it is a journey that spans time and space and transforms both himself and his view of the universe forever.