The Perfect Boy

Showing In

California Theatre, San Jose Fri, Mar 15 4:45 PM
A new short by Ricky Gervais is only the beginning of the many laughs to be found in this exceptional line-up of shorts. DO…NOT…MISS!
Film Info
Type of Film/Event:Short
Runtime (minutes):10
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Alexandra Andreoni
Briana Garcia
Donato J. Deluca
Director:Liz Waters
Producer(s):Elena Weinberg
Screenwriter:Alexandra Andreoni
Cinematography:Kerianne Parker
Music By:Heath Allyn
Editor:Duncan Coe
Gaige Shaughnessy (color and sound)


The story of Daisy, an idyllic and romantic perfectionist in search of her perfect love. After countless hours of trying and failing to find an appropriate match through a dating site, Daisy has gone mad with frustration. In what seems like a psychotic meltdown, Daisy decides to create her own perfect boy by collecting all of her favorite things around the house and taping them all together in a giant heap while her cynical and sarcastic roommate, Emily, watches on in silence.

Daisy and Emily are more surprised than anyone when they realize Daisy’s little science experiment has worked- HE’S ALIVE! And he’s... got a guitar?