Ivy's Dream

Showing In

California Theatre, San Jose Sun, Mar 10 12:00 PM
Starring Lawrence Kao (Wu Assassins), a clever and captivating fantasy, family drama in which a struggling father makes a Faustian bargain and becomes the incarnation of Death, he must fight to unwind his fate while keeping his predicament hidden from his daughter
California Theatre, San Jose Wed, Mar 13 5:00 PM
Starring Lawrence Kao (Wu Assassins), a clever and captivating fantasy, family drama in which a struggling father makes a Faustian bargain and becomes the incarnation of Death, he must fight to unwind his fate while keeping his predicament hidden from his daughter
Film Info
Type of Film/Event:Short
Runtime (minutes):17
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Maggie Alexander
Anthony Robert Grasso
Director:Louis Leuci
Executive Producer:Maggie Alexander
Screenwriter:Brendon Lemon
Cinematography:Ryan Balas
Music By:Tyler Snow
Editor:Louis Leuci


After a tragedy that she struggles to understand, a wife and mother falls into alcoholism, unable to cope. Her confused husband, fed up with her dangerous behavior in front of their children, is torn between hopefully waiting for her to recover, or breaking up their family. Their home becomes the scene for a confrontation long overdue.