Under The Same Sky

Showing In

Red Shoes
California Theatre, San Jose Thu, Aug 17, 2023 4:40 PM
An old peasant lives in a lost town in the Mexican mountains, his life passes slowly and without jumps until he receives news from the capital, from there he must face a brutal and unknown world in search of redemption.
Red Shoes
California Theatre, San Jose Mon, Aug 21, 2023 4:35 PM
An old peasant lives in a lost town in the Mexican mountains, his life passes slowly and without jumps until he receives news from the capital, from there he must face a brutal and unknown world in search of redemption.
Film Info
Type of Film/Event:Short
Runtime (minutes):15
Premiere Status:World Premiere
Original Language:Spanish
Subtitles (Language):English
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Amaia Aliaga Calderón
Valentina Bribiesca Caballero
Director:Ana Laura Calderón
Executive Producer:Todd Gordon
Producer(s):Ana Laura Calderón
Screenwriter:Ana Laura Calderón
Cinematography:Armando Herrera
Karla Condado
Music By:Josefa de Velasco
Editor:León Felipe González


Precedes the feature film "Red Shoes"

Andrea (4) and Marina (6) become fast friends while playing on the rooftops of their adjacent buildings during the pandemic in Mexico City. They cling to their precious friendship amidst the stress and loneliness of confinement. When Marina's parents separate suddenly, however, Marina is heartbroken to have to move away without being able to say goodbye to Andrea, who is equally heartsick until she unexpectedly finds a remnant of their friendship.