Call Me Mule

Film Info
Type of Film/Event:Feature
Runtime (minutes):94
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:John Sears (aka Mule)
Director:John McDonald
Nina Schwanse
Producer(s):John McDonald
Screenwriter:Nina Schwanse
Cinematography:John McDonald
Music By:Jeff Kazor and The Crooked Jades
Editor:Nina Schwanse


John Sears, who refers to himself as Mule, has been roaming the western United States with his three mules for over thirty years. The 65-year-old and his animals sleep outside, claiming the right to move freely.


Bemoaning the loss of open space, urban sprawl and our dependence on the automobile, Mule advocates a simpler way of life in harmony with nature. While many appreciate his nomadic lifestyle, Mule is not welcome everywhere. His confrontations with law enforcement have resulted in fines, arrests, even institutionalization.


His story may be unusual, but it has universal appeal, celebrating the creativity, courage and resilience to choose an extraordinary way of life and defend his place in the world. This observational documentary, told in Mule's own voice, follows his arduous 500-mile journey to deliver a message to the Governor of California.

Preceded by the music video “Arrows have struck in the heart”. See link below.

Included Shorts

Tosya Chaikina — Arrows have struck in the heart (5min) More

Additional Information

This Film Presented in Honor of