Drama Life


Film Info
Type of Film/Event:Feature
Runtime (minutes):104
Premiere Status:US Premiere
Original Language:Chinese
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Peng Chi
Ting Wang
Director:Bo Yao
Producer(s):Zhe Wang
Screenwriter:Xiaohan Luo
Cinematography:Yingjie Pu
Music By:Mao Sheng
Editor:Chao Wang


The beautiful and poetic story of Liang Yi, who was born in the 1950s, and who has gone through the Cultural Revolution, state-run restructuring, reform, and caught up with the national policy of family planning. She has lived a normal, ordinary life.

There is one thing she never gave up…acting. Except, no one gave her a chance, so she made her own script. She sells her house and invests in herself, only to find the bamboo basket was empty, and there was not a penny left after being deceived by the seasoned liar.

However, she realizes a way to get her money back and devises a plan.

Additional Information

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